The hempinesscbd.com website is owned by HEMPINESS Ltd (D.O.O.) , OIB 98191803971, Zagrebačka 1, Osijek, Republic Croatia. Use of the services and content of the website is governed by these Terms of Use.


The Terms of Use prescribe the terms and conditions for end-users and apply to the use of the hempinesscbd.com website. By using the website, end-users express that they agree with the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use and agree to use the website in accordance with them.


All materials & logos found on the hempinesscbd.com website are the intellectual property of HEMPINESS D.O.O. and may only be used with the express permission of the copyright holder and the trademark and/or design right holder.

The user can send their inquiries and comments in writing, by mail or e-mail, and HEMPINESS D.O.O. will send a written response by mail or e-mail within the legal deadline.

Subject to your compliance with these Terms‚ We grant you a limited‚ non-exclusive‚ non-transferable‚ non-sub licensable license to access and make personal‚ non-commercial use of this Site. This license grant does not include:

(a) any resale or commercial use of this Site or content therein;

(b) the collection and use of any product listings or descriptions;

(c) making derivative uses of this Site and its contents; or
(d) use of any data mining‚ robots‚ or similar data gathering and extraction methods on this Site.

You may not use‚ frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any of Our trademark‚ logo‚ content or other proprietary information (including the images found at this Site‚ the content of any text or the layout/design of any page or form contained on a page) without Our express written consent. Further‚ you may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing Any breach of these Terms shall result in the immediate revocation of the license granted in this paragraph without notice to you.



Your sole and exclusive remedy, and our sole and exclusive liability, for any breach of warranty, shall be your right to return the product, or receive a refund for the service under Our applicable returns and refund, return & cancelation policies.

In no event shall the we or our related parties, be liable for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits or loss of business, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages, nor shall our and our related parties’ aggregate liability, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence, whether active, passive or imputed), or other theory, arising out of or relating to these terms or the purchase or use of any products or services purchased through this site exceed the purchase price of the product or service. The limitations set forth in this paragraph will not limit or exclude our or our related parties’ gross negligence, fraud, intentional, willful, malicious, or reckless misconduct.

The seller is not liable for any damage in the event that the product is seized by customs because it does not comply with regulations in the country of the customer.



You agree that our remedy at law for any actual or threatened breach of these Terms would be inadequate and that we shall be entitled to specific performance or injunctive relief, or both, in addition to any damages that we may be legally entitled to recover, together with reasonable expenses of any form of dispute resolution, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees. No right or remedy of ours shall be exclusive of any other, whether at law or in equity, including without limitation damages injunctive relief, attorneys’ fees, and expenses.



The term Seller refers to the company HEMPINESS Ltd (D.O.O.) , OIB 98191803971,, Zagrebačka 1, Osijek, Republic Croatia.

In terms of these terms of sale, the buyer is a natural or legal person who through the website hempinesscbd.com orders at least one product, fills in the required information and pays for the ordered product.

If data on a legal entity are entered in the customer data, then the customer is considered a legal entity, and the natural person whose data are entered is considered an authorized person of the customer.

These Terms of Purchase (Pre-Contractual Notices) are part of the Seller’s obligation under the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, and serve to ensure that the Buyer is clearly and understandably informed of a number of circumstances relevant to the conclusion, execution, termination of the contract, in accordance with the law.


Except as expressly provided, this Site, including all Site Content, and services provided on or in connection with this Site are provided on an “AS IS” and “WITH ALL FAULTS” basis without representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. WE DISCLAIM ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS AND DUTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES, DUTIES OR CONDITIONS: (A) OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, RESULTS, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT; AND (B) CREATED BY TRADE USAGE, COURSE OF DEALING OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE. We does not represent or warrant that this Site is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. We do not represent or warrant that this Site or our servers are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural constituent of hemp and is a dietary supplement. All products advertised herein are not in any shape or form advertised for sale as medicinal products. We are not medical practitioners, so for legal purposes, we are unable to give out advice on CBD or any particular condition. It is for this reason that we advise all customers to research CBD and always consult your health advisers and medical practitioners before taking any of these products. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that they are in compliance with local legislation. The content of this website has is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.



HEMPINESS D.O.O. undertakes to clearly, visibly and legibly display the amount of the retail price in accordance with Article 7 of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette 41/14, 110/15, 14/19)

HEMPINESS D.O.O. will periodically, in accordance with its decision, put certain products on sale at a price lower than the price of those products in regular sales, and also undertakes to clearly visibly and legibly mark and state the duration of the sale. After the expiration of the promotional sale, HEMPINESS D.O.O. will not receive orders under terms relating to expired promotional sales.


Products are ordered by selecting, using the menu, and filling out the electronic form. The customer can order and purchase the product as a registered or unregistered user. The product is considered
ordered when the customer goes through the entire ordering process.
Payment for ordered products can be made in the following ways:

General payment / bank transfer / e-banking /

If the customer chooses a bank transfer as the method of payment, the transfer order must be submitted within one week of receiving the order confirmation. The buyer is responsible for late payment to the sellers account, unless the bank is responsible for the delay. Delivery takes place upon receipt of payment.

In the case of a bank transfer from countries that are not part of the single payment system of the European Economic Area (SEPA), the buyer bears the costs of additional transfer fees. No right to compensation is recognized, except with the written consent of the seller.

In some countries, exchange rate differences may occur if payment is made in another currency. In such cases, the seller calculates the price according to the exchange rate of the European Central Bank on the day of payment.
In case of late payment, the legal default interest is calculated increased by 50%, with which the buyer agrees.

All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian kuna according to the current exchange rate of the Croatian National bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our website.

If the form of payment is payment by e-banking or general payment slip, and HEMPINESS D.O.O. does not dispose of the ordered product due to lack of goods in stock, the buyer will be notified within a reasonable time and HEMPINESS D.O.O. in agreement with the buyer, make a refund of the paid funds.

In the case of the above payment, the buyer is responsible and bears the risk for the accuracy and the truthfulness of the information provided given that HEMPINESS D.O.O. make a refund in accordance with the submitted data.