Most of us suffer from at least one chronic condition, be it knee pain, migraines, or a host of other ailments. When left untreated, these symptoms can multiply or morph into a full-fledged disability or illness.
To counteract these chronic conditions – or at least the symptoms – doctors prescribe medications ranging from antibiotic therapies, to numbing narcotics or chemical stimulants.
Though controlled, prescription drugs can be intoxicating and addictive. After time, your body develops a tolerance to them so you need higher, stronger doses in order to feel the same relief. Some people require additional medication just to treat the side effects!
It’s a vicious cycle, but for some ailments, CBD may be a viable alternative, or complement, to traditional medicine.
What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is one of the major chemical compounds found in the Hemp variety of the cannabis sativa plant. The CBD compound is also found in Hemp’s sister plant, marijuana, along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is famous for its “high” inducing properties.
Unlike marijuana, Hemp is bred to remove virtually all traces of THC. What’s left is a nutritious, versatile, and purifying plant with numerous health benefits.
Though the science is still young, researchers know that CBD interacts with the body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) to regulate different bodily functions like mood, appetite, immunity, and more. Daily CBD use has shown to alleviate, cure, and prevent a wide range of occasional and chronic conditions.
If you’re on the fence about taking CBD to treat your symptoms, or merely intrigued by its preventative qualities, here are 5 reasons why you should add CBD to your health regimen.
#1 CBD is a natural pain-reliever
Research shows that CBD affects the receptors of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) that influence pain. The debate is still out on whether it reduces the intensity of pain, or merely your perception of pain, but CBD has definitive anti-inflammatory properties per animal and human pre-clinical research trials.
CBD is a natural and safe option to treat pain caused by arthritis, joint inflammation, nerve pain, migraines, muscle spasms, or pain caused by overuse or injury (back, knees, etc.).
If you suffer from chronic pain, a daily or as-needed dose of CBD can alleviate the inflammation that’s causing your pain.
Best of all – it’s non-addictive, non-psychoactive, non-toxic, and you’ll never build up a tolerance to it. All it takes is a bit of upfront experimenting to find a dosage that works for you.
#2 CBD reduces mood disorders like anxiety or depression, and insomnia
If you suffer from general anxiety, occasional stress, or depression, your symptoms are triggered in part by your Endocannabinoid System.
Your body responds by elevating your blood pressure, quickening your breathing pattern, and signaling a fight-or-flight response. These are the neurotransmitters in your ECS disrupted and on hyperdrive, sparking fear and negative emotions.
Though the symptoms vary across the spectrum of mood and mental disorders (depression, PTSD, insomnia, anxiety, psychosis), CBD helps to restore the chemical balance among your body’s naturally-occurring cannabinoids and imparts a calming effect.
Coincidentally, CBD also shows promising results for people who have insomnia (trouble sleeping). Insomnia is often the result of environmental stressors. Because CBD helps calm the mind, people report an improvement in their sleep habits.
If you’re one of the millions of people worldwide taking mind-numbing antidepressants or antipsychotics, talk with your physician about replacing or supplementing your medication with CBD.
Even if you’re not undergoing treatment, consider adding CBD to your daily routine to keep stress at bay and give you a better night’s sleep.

#3 CBD may prevent certain cancers and shrink tumors
One of the most exciting discoveries for CBD is its ability to kill cancer cells.
Numerous animal studies have shown a reduction or complete expulsion of some types of cancer cells – namely breast, cervical, and prostate cancers.
It’s too early to celebrate, however. More research is needed here, especially large-scale human studies. Plus, too much CBD could actually reduce your immune system’s ability to fight cancer. So it’s critical to have your doctor weigh in on whether or not CBD therapy is worth trying out if you are currently battling cancer.
If you’re otherwise healthy, and not undergoing cancer treatment, you still might consider taking CBD daily for it’s cancer-preventing properties. Daily CBD intake will compound in your body and be ready to attack certain types of cancer cells, should they develop.
#4 CBD can treat skin problems
The Endocannabinoid System also plays a role in skin health. As your body’s largest organ, your skin is subject to myriad conditions, disorders and reactions.
Acne, eczema, psoriasis, and swelling or redness are just some of the symptoms we experience when our body’s natural cannabinoids are out of balance. Scientists have concluded that reestablishing this balance in our ECS is key to relieving these symptoms and maintaining skin health.
Plant-based CBD is an effective substitute for our body’s naturally-occurring cannabinoids when administered orally or topically.
Research shows that CBD normalizes oily skin, helping to curb the growth of acne caused by excessive sebum secretion. This, along with its innate anti-inflammatory properties makes cannabidiol a forerunner in a long-overdue cure for acne.
CBD also tames overproduction of skin cells that can lead to skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema.
Skin disorders can be painful, uncomfortable and affect your quality of life. Hemp CBD can help.
#5 CBD can boost immunity
When your immune system encounters a foreign body or a wound, it kicks off inflammatory cells to isolate the issue and begin the healing process.
When the immune system triggers this inflammation with no wound or infection present, it’s known as an autoimmune disorder.
Abdominal pain, acid reflux, joint pain, and skin rashes are just some of the inflammatory symptoms caused by an abnormal immune response. Hemp CBD works with your Endocannabinoid System to keep inflammatory cells at bay. Inflammation can be treated with prescriptions, but many have adverse side effects. Hemp CBD, on the other hand, is non-steroidal and without side effects – presenting a promising alternative to traditional medicine.
The best way to build up a defense system with CBD is to take it daily, whether or not symptoms are present. It offers promising results for those suffering from occasional or chronic ailments, and equally complements a holistic health routine.
If you’re interested in adding CBD to your wellness regimen, speak with your physician about possible interactions with other medications. CBD affects everyone differently, and your age, weight, metabolism and other factors will influence how much CBD you need to feel its benefits.
Fortunately, CBD is non-psychoactive and has no known adverse effects, so go ahead and experiment with different doses until you find a regimen that works for you.
Speak with a physician before starting any CBD regimen as you could experience interactions with other medications. Like any other wellness routine, CBD is more effective when it becomes a daily or regular habit.