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So far, we have all learned that essential oils are a necessary part of our routine if we want to keep our skin in perfect condition. In addition to all the oils, which we are already accustomed to, we present to you His Majesty – CBD oil as a skincare base.

Your skin, as the largest organ, deserves only the highest quality care. If you want to deal with several skin problems in the most effective way, then we recommend that you use CBD skin oil.

What is hemp oil?

We have already written about hemp oil, as well as the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil, you can read more about it here. Let’s repeat it briefly once again. When we say hemp oil, we mean hemp seed oil, which is obtained by pressing grains, and CBD oil is hemp flower oil, obtained by ethanol or CO2 extraction.

Benefits of CBD oil for skin

CBD oil, in addition to all its health benefits in the treatment of many diseases, is increasingly used for skincare. Numerous studies have shown that CBD oil has a beneficial and positive effect when applied to the skin, and not just when taken into the body.

One of the main reasons why an increasing number of people use CBD oil for the skin is reflected in the ability of cannabidiol to successfully fight numerous inflammations. It is the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil that explain why CBD (cannabidiol) has become a standard element of many creams and skin products. CBD oil is a very powerful antioxidant that helps speed up the recovery process.

Hydrates the skin with CBD oil

Hemp oil contains omega 3, 6, and 9 in optimal balance which helps keep the skin hydrated and prevents it from drying out.

When you have dry skin, even maintaining the skin with a number of medications can be very complicated. Namely, then there is a possibility that the skin becomes too moist, which prevents the skin from producing natural secretions. Also, dry skin can cause pain, due to itching and hardness.

CBD oil has a perfect balance between nutrients and substances that provide ideal skincare and hydration. Also, CBD oil effectively helps prevent peeling of the skin, in case of rough spots or cuts. Products with CBD oil have anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties, which have a beneficial effect on the skin.

On the other hand, the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oil stimulate the healing process of the skin in places where it is damaged, due to dryness.

Removes blemishes and scars on the skin.

Scars are really just damaged skin, so researchers are exploring topical CBD treatments for both healing and soothing scar tissue. One study found that CBD ointment “significantly improved” the skin parameters of tested scar tissue patients.

CBD skin oil for acne

CBD isn’t a total cure for acne, much of which is caused by hormones, but CBD helps fight the inflammation related to the swelling and redness of acne. The research shows that CBD helps normalize skin cell growth.

CBD oil acts only on the cells that cause this problem. It allows your skin to heal without feeling any skin irritation or dryness.

Acne is an inflammatory condition of the skin that occurs when dead skin cells or oily secretions from the sebaceous glands clog or close the pores on the skin. Due to this blockade, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, which is normally found in the hair follicles. This condition leads to inflammatory processes on the skin, ie acne.

According to numerous studies, CBD oil has properties that make it possible to stop the factors that cause acne. Namely, CBD oil inhibits (prevents) the production of sebaceous glands from the sebaceous glands. CBD oil acts on the cells that activate acne, reducing their impact on the skin that is prone to acne and pimples.

An anti-inflammatory effect

It is these omega fatty acids that have a soothing effect on the skin and reduce inflammation. Relieves skin problems such as acne, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis.

Slows down the aging process of the skin

Due to the content of all 20 amino acids, hemp oil or hemp cosmetics regenerate and energize the protective layer of the skin.

As we age, our skin also shows certain signs of aging- wrinkles, blemishes, increased skin tone, and the like.

Many people use a number of anti-aging creams and lotions to rejuvenate their skin. Although many products alleviate the signs of skin aging, almost none of them can be compared to the effect of CBD oil.

CBD oil plays a key role in hydrating your skin. As already mentioned, hemp oil has antioxidant properties that help reduce the signs of skin aging. Industrial hemp, from which CBD oil is obtained, contains two fatty acids – Omega 6 and Omega 3. These two fatty acids stimulate the production of collagen, thus preventing excessive water loss. That way, your skin stays healthy and hydrated.

Prevents cell damage 

 Vitamins and minerals are essential for the protective layer of your skin because without them, cracking and damage occur, which causes various skin diseases. Cannabis oil contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, and E.

Because the oil contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids in an ideal balance, like no other oil, and the ability to provide those fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own, it is considered a gift from nature for our skin and body. The oil prevents the loss of skin moisture, provides a natural balance of skin oil, and helps prevent premature aging.

CBD oil relieves eczema problems

Eczema is the skin’s immune response to certain allergens. Eczema causes itching, redness, cracking of the skin, and many other inflammatory conditions.

This condition can significantly worsen the quality of life of a person with eczema. Often, people suffering from eczema avoid certain activities, such as spending time outdoors or in the water, which impairs the quality of life.

CBD oil has been proven to help treat eczema because it relieves dry skin and reduces inflammation. CBD oil is one of the few effective options for treating eczema because it has anti-inflammatory properties, while not producing any side effects.

In addition, as is already known, CBD, when found in the body, has a strong connection with the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system has a direct connection with allergic inflammation, which is believed to be the leading cause of eczema. This is what allows cannabidiol to treat the symptoms of existing eczema and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Balances natural skin oil 

So even for people who have oily skin, hemp oil-based cosmetics are the right choice.

CBD oil for psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune and non-communicable disease that attacks healthy skin cells. This skin disease accelerates the cell life cycle, causing increased proliferation of epidermal cells. People suffering from psoriasis have specific spots on the skin, mostly pink in color. These spots are usually covered with white scales, while the symptoms of psoriasis can be very painful and unpleasant.

CBD oil effectively helps reduce the inflammatory conditions caused by psoriasis, relieving pain. Cannabidiol oil affects the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for regulating numerous functions in the body: the immune system, pain and mood. Also, CBD oil has the potential to reduce the accelerated proliferation of epidermal cells.

The World Health Organization has deemed CBD safe and the cannabinoid works with any skin type and if you’re looking for internal administered relief check out our post on the best CBD oils for relieving pain.